Vol. 67 No. 2 (2022): Stage Directing and Theatre Pedagogy Nowadays

					View Vol. 67 No. 2 (2022): Stage Directing and Theatre Pedagogy Nowadays

”After the hypothetical death of the author in the '60s, the apparent death of the director is often circulated today. Is the director really dead, or transformed, or is he in a state of crisis?” Patrice Pavis asks in Contemporary European Theater Directors, published by Routledge Publishing House, in its first edition on April 4, 2010. Reviving this question now, during and  after the pandemic crisis, but also whenever a new training cycle for theater directors begins, we find ourselves able to strengthen it by asking another question: taking into consideration the fact that this disappearance of the theater director was predicted, why is still considered the true pedagogue of the art of theatre?

Published: 2022-10-30

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